It has a very unique and interesting mechanic – Outcast.It has insanely strong aggressive cards and can take control of boards without problem.

It has been nerfed several times and still holds one of the top spots in the meta. Tempo Demon Hunter is one of the strongest decks in the game. Include Toxic Reinforcements if you can afford it because it will further strengthen your deckĪAECAR8AD6gCtQPJBJYGlwjFCP4M+a4D+68D/K8DorkD/7oD1r4D174D2b4DAA= Tempo Demon Hunter.Try to build a good board in the first turns and after that start using your Hero Power as often as possible When facing control decks try to use your resources as best as you can.When facing aggressive decks try to protect your minions by making value trades in the early stages of the game.Try to maximize the damage you deal with Eaglehorn Bow by playing the right secrets at the right time.